Spiritual Growth

Learn how to grow spiritually with ADHD one day at a time.

Using Prayer to Cultivate Gratitude and Mindfulness in Daily Life with ADHD

Do you ever feel like your life is going by too quickly? Do you struggle to stay present and mindful in your daily activities? This feeling can be especially frequent for women with ADHD. The constant distractions and racing thoughts can make it difficult to appreciate the little moments of joy in life. But what

Using Prayer to Cultivate Gratitude and Mindfulness in Daily Life with ADHD Read More »

Praying for Clarity: Seeking Guidance and Direction Through Prayer with ADHD

Have you ever found yourself lost and unsure about which path to take in life? Do you struggle with ADHD and feel like it hinders your ability to make clear decisions? As women, we often carry the weight of multiple responsibilities, and it can be challenging to find clarity and direction. But what if I

Praying for Clarity: Seeking Guidance and Direction Through Prayer with ADHD Read More »

Overcoming Distractions During Prayer: Techniques for Staying Present

Do you ever find yourself trying to pray, but your mind keeps wandering off to other things? Perhaps you’re struggling to focus on the words you’re saying or the message you’re trying to convey to God. This can be frustrating and can make it difficult to feel connected to your faith. If you’re a woman

Overcoming Distractions During Prayer: Techniques for Staying Present Read More »

Mindful Prayer: Combining Mindfulness Techniques with Prayer for Greater Focus

Do you struggle with focusing during prayer time? Are you easily distracted, especially if you have ADHD? As women, we lead busy lives and find it challenging to stay in the moment and connect with God during our prayer time. However, by incorporating mindfulness techniques into your prayer time, you can achieve greater focus and

Mindful Prayer: Combining Mindfulness Techniques with Prayer for Greater Focus Read More »