Finding Your True Identity: Understanding Your Worth in God’s Eyes / Personal Growth / By Coach Kenya Joy Do you ever feel like you’re lost in the noise of the world, and you don’t quite fit in? As a woman with ADHD, it can be a constant struggle to find your place and feel confident in who you are. The world around us is constantly telling us who we should be and what we should look like, but it’s time to take back control of our identity. Embracing Your Identity in Christ When you’re feeling lost and unsure of yourself, it’s easy to believe the lies that the world is telling you. You may feel like your ADHD defines you and that it’s impossible to be anything else. But the truth is, your identity is not found in your diagnosis or your circumstances. ADHD is just one of your unique qualities. You are fearfully and wonderfully made by God, and He has a purpose for your life. Let the truth of Psalm 139:14 sink in – you are unique and beautiful, just the way you are. Call to Action: Take a moment to reflect on your true identity in Christ. Write down what makes you unique and special, and thank God for making you exactly the way you are. Overcoming Self-Doubt and Finding Your Worth in God Living with ADHD can make self-doubt a constant battle. But remember, God’s thoughts about you are precious and uncountable. You are loved and valued by Him, and that’s all that matters. When you’re feeling lost or unsure of yourself, turn to God for guidance and support. You can find your worth in Him rather than the opinions of others. Call to Action: Practice self-care and spend time with God each day. Read scripture, pray, or meditate on His word. This will help you stay connected to your true identity in Christ and overcome self-doubt. As a woman with ADHD, it’s easy to get caught up in the noise of the world and forget your worth. But remember, you are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. He has a purpose for your life, and you are loved just the way you are. So take a deep breath, embrace your identity in Christ, and know that you are enough. Let’s Chat! Have you ever felt lost in the noise of the world, struggling to find your place and feel confident in who you are? How has your ADHD diagnosis affected your sense of identity? What lies has the world told you about who you should be? How have you countered those lies? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Let’s build a safe and strong community of support. Photo by Elisabeth Wales on Unsplash