Vision After the Ashes

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT)


Last week, we learned how to transform fear into strength, embracing God’s promise to stand with us through the challenges. This week, we take another step forward—discovering how to have vision after the ashes and seeing God’s purpose in the pain.


When the Ashes Cloud Your Vision

Let’s be honest—sometimes, it’s hard to see beyond the ashes of our experiences. Pain, trauma, and confusion can cloud your perspective, making it difficult to believe there’s a future ahead, much less a hopeful one. You might find yourself asking, “Why did I have to go through this?” or “What is God’s purpose in my pain?”


For women with ADHD, the whirlwind of thoughts and emotions can make these questions even more overwhelming. It’s easy to get stuck in a cycle of uncertainty, struggling to make sense of the past and how it fits into God’s bigger plan for your life.


But no matter what you’ve gone through, the Father has a purpose and a plan for you. As Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us, God’s plan is good—it’s full of hope, even when it feels like hope has been buried beneath the ashes.


The enemy will do everything in his power to keep you from seeing this. His goal is to take the pain you’ve endured and turn it into something deeper—consistent trauma that keeps you feeling stuck, unable to move forward. He wants you to stay in the ashes, to lose sight of God’s vision for your future.


But here’s the truth: God will take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it around for your good (Genesis 50:20, NLT). Your painful experiences do not define you—they refine you. They become part of the testimony that God is weaving into your life, showing His goodness and purpose through it all.


How to See God’s Purpose After the Ashes

So, how do we begin to see God’s purpose for our lives after the ashes? It’s a journey, but here are some steps to help you start seeing clearly again:


  1. Seek God’s Vision through Journaling
    Writing down your thoughts, emotions, and prayers can be incredibly powerful. This is a tool I use in both my coaching practice and personally. When you’re feeling overwhelmed by what you’ve been through, journaling allows you to process your pain in a way that brings clarity. It also helps you capture the moments when God speaks to your heart, giving you glimpses of His plan. Ask yourself:
    • What lessons have I learned through this experience?
    • How have I grown closer to God in this season?
    • What dreams or desires has God placed on my heart for the future?
  2. Create a Vision Board Based on God’s Promises
    Sometimes, visualizing God’s promises helps us stay focused on His plans rather than our pain. If you are like me, seeing the vision helps to motivate my actions.  Create a vision board that reflects God’s Word over your life—promises from scripture, images that represent the future He’s calling you into, and words of affirmation to remind you of His love and purpose. Let this board serve as a visual reminder that there’s beauty beyond the ashes and hope in what’s ahead.
  3. Invest in Mentoring Relationships
    Healing and clarity often come through relationships. Having a strong support system is key.  Seek out godly women who can mentor and encourage you, helping you stay grounded in your faith. Surround yourself with people who have walked through their own ashes and can share wisdom on how God’s purpose unfolded in their lives. These relationships are invaluable for keeping you focused on the truth of Jeremiah 29:11.

Activate and Build
Take a moment to reflect on your own journey. What has the enemy tried to use against you? Where do you feel stuck in the ashes? Now, consider God’s promises in Jeremiah 29:11. How does knowing that God has good plans for your life change the way you see your current situation?


Let’s Chat!

  1. What’s one area of your life where you’re struggling to see God’s vision after the ashes?
  2. How can journaling or creating a vision board help you focus on God’s purpose for your future?
  3. Who in your life could serve as a mentor to help you navigate this season?

Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Let’s build a strong and safe community of support.

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